Lema AI is a Zero Trust Third-Party Risk Management Solution.
Lema AI seamlessly integrates third-party information from artifacts, your existing technical stack, and intelligence feeds to provide real-time context for risk-mitigating actions.
With Lema APIs, you can automatically manage third parties. To access the system, contact us to obtain an access key. You can call the API by exchanging your API key for a temporary JWT token, which will grant you access to our APIs.
The Exchange Access Keys API endpoint allows users to generate API keys (session JWT) for accessing various API endpoints.
Endpoint: /api/customer.management.v1.CustomerApiKeyService/GetAPIKeyFromAccessToken
Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
"accessKey": "<access_key>"
"sessionJwt": "<session_jwt>"
curl '<lema-url>/api/customer.management.v1.CustomerApiKeyService/GetAPIKeyFromAccessToken' \\
-X POST \\
--data '{"accessKey": "<access_key>"}' \\
--header "Content-Type: application/json"