This guide is about SAML SSO configuration using Okta for signing in to Lema

General Configuration

  1. Add “Descope” app from the Okta Integration Marketplace

  2. Name the app Lema (or any other indicative name)

    1. Note: The logo can walso be changed once the app has been added
  3. Once you've added the app, under Assignments, add the relevant User and Group assignments to your new application.

  4. Request from Lema the Entity ID and the ACS URL and head back to Okta and paste the two values in under Sign On > Advanced Sign-on Settings:


  5. go to Sign on methods > SAML 2.0 > Metadata details, to locate and copy your Metadata URL. Send these to your Lema customer success representative.


Attribute Mapping

<aside> 💡 This is step required to avoid email verification


  1. Select the Edit button in Settings under Sign On, You should be able to expand Attributes (Optional), where you can place the values you configured for Group and User attributes in previous step



Finishing Touch

Update the App icon within Okta 🎉

Lema logo for Okta

Lema logo for Okta

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 12.32.54.png